


Project co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation

Civic Education and Socio-Cultural Animators Training, AID n.782 across the country from 1988 to 1989.

Realized in partnership with CE.SOC in major Chilean provinces with the aim of engaging directly in the plebiscite vote as many citizens as possible of the popular sectors – through its roots organizations.
The project promoted citizens awareness and community participation in the democratization of social and political structures.
In this regard, the NGOs organized special training courses for socio-cultural animators with expertise in legal and electoral matters.


Training Regional Centres and Technical Consulting in favor of Local Authorities, AID n.1473 in 12 Chilean regions and the Santiago metropolitan region, 1992-1993

Realized in partnership with Fundación E. Frei, CE.SOC, INDEMU.

Through the creation of a Network of Training Regional Centres, this project trained to democratic participation both the social marginalized sectors and the main subject of the democratic process, such as from mayors, councilors, employees of local authorities, leaders of social organizations, youth leaders, female, indigenous organizations.

It worked across the Chilean society in a common effort to promote not only the socio-political participation of citizens, but also to restore identity and voice to citizens of those areas who were disadvantaged, marginalized and never fully heard.

Global Citizenship Education project, 2001-2003

The project triggered a “Hinge of Telematics Communications/online exchange between North/South of the world” through the virtual connection of specialized Documentation Centres of different regions, in particular the Area of Latin America.

The project supported communication/cultural exchange on the issues of human rights and promoted training practices for development in order to compare different visions of interpretation, addressed to the understanding, promotion, respect and validity of human rights in daily life, both Italian and European, according to the partnership actions with civil society of the countries in the developing world.


Integrated multi-sector development for the rural Mapuche communities, AID n.948, 1989-1994 in Araucaria IX Region – Sector of Molco Cautin, Quechurehue, Llamuco

Realized in partnership with INPROA.

The project as main objective promoted ethnic identity recognition of the Mapuche people and the defense of its organizational and production model in the democratic development of Chile by supporting the work undertaken by the native NEHEUM MAPU.


Project co-financed by the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation with the aim of employing volunteers

Support to the educational program “Familia y Escuela Rural, SC/016, 1998-2000

Realized in partnership with CIDE in Melipilla (Metropolitan Region of Santiago), Maule Region VII and Araucanía IX Region in the south of Chile, the project contributed to the improvement of the educational level system of children and girls of the second elementary school (10 to 14 years) to enable a social formation.


Project co-financed by the European Commission

Joint project of support to the generation and management of youth micro-enterprises and of civil society, n.ONG/PVD/1999/675/CSR, 2000-2003

Realized with MLAL as leading NGO in Santiago city and its suburbs in partnership with the local NGO VICARÍA de Pastoral Social.

The project supported 200 young people from the popular sectors to remunerated economic activities or the creation of micro-enterprises through proper training to work and the acquisition of specific skills.
It set up a service center to meet the needs of youth employment, by creating a network of synergies between institutional and administrative bodies, and organizations. It supported groups to strengthen the civil society and the labor insertion of young people at risk of marginalization.


Project financed by PRO.DO.C.S. funds

Support to the Latin American Network of Information and Documentation in Education – REDUC, 1994-1996
Realized in partnership with the Research and Education Development Center – CIDE in Santiago of Chile, the project set up a new computerized information system – efficient and low-cost – to disseminate research results and innovative experiences in the field of education in Latin American countries. In this way, it decreased the excessive dependence of the education of the regional programs by developed countries.


Educational Service for Human Rights (S.E.D.U.), 1994 to 1996
Realized in partnership with the CIDE, the Human Rights Program of the University “Academy of Christian Humanism” in Santiago de Chile.
The project promoted a democratic culture in Chile through the education to Human Rights at the formal level by giving impetus to an appropriate approach as the backbone of new pedagogical addresses.
